In Fleet Management companies, assigning tasks for the Street Operators [people who fix vehicles & relocate them] is a manual and tedious job for Fleet Managers [people who manage fleets]. How to build a function that reduces effort and automates the task creation.
Create a TASK MANAGEMENT feature on the operations map. This helps the Fleet Managers to see the vehicles live, filter the damaged ones and assign vehicles to each Street Operator.

understanding the users
In this B2B2C ecosystem there are two main personas and one persona from the B2C. That means the input comes from the customer [person who wants to rent a vehicle] by reporting the damage. In order to understand the whole user journeys and task analysis, I had to use various resources at hand which are;
1. Clients --> Our clients have various vehicles around the world from cars to mopeds and kick scooters and bicycles. Usually the people in touch with our account managers are the Fleet Managers or know the main pains, main tasks within their companies. Talking to them first would be the best idea. Preferably, talking with the main personas; Street Operators and Fleet Managers assigning tasks to them
2. Account Managers --> Account Managers at Wunder hold most knowledge at Wunder about the issues the clients and their users are struggling with. They have weekly/monthly calls with them and they have a backlog of complaints at reach.
3. End-users --> People who are using micro mobility and have had experience with reporting damage about vehicles before, during and after their ride.
research insights
Research insights made the Personas and their Jobs-To-Be-Done more clear for us to prepare for the user journeys and task analysis for this feature; Task Management.
Personas at a B2B2C are very tricky as they are interacting with the same database and the platform should show different users what they need to interact with or provide them individually with what they need without confusing them. For the Persona profiles, I came up with a new template that has the Jobs-To-Be-Done stories of each persona too and is a dynamic to be updated after every new research.
At every new research topic the team is working on, the wheel of persona must exist and points out which persona is interacting in the user journey of that feature.
Wireframe & Prototype
For wireframing and prototyping, worked within a team and used the design system to create new user interfaces and a new user journey from operations map, the main page of the software, and built different scenarios with interactive prototypes.
Usability Testing
I invited some clients to have a call with us. Tried to have a client from each vehicle sharing type and business model.The usability testing was moderated online and the think out loud protocol was used. The testing sessions started by questionnaire and ended with qualitative measures and some open ended questions.
Final Design
Final design was handed off to the developers at the end and HAPPY clients and users :)